The power of your supermind
The power of your supermind

the power of your supermind

The dialogue opens with a discussion of Toward a Comprehensive Theory of Subtle Energies, one of Ken’s recent essays. It is not, however, for the intellectually faint of heart. This dialogue is warm, witty, loving, and vibrant. In this fast-paced and demanding dialogue, Mike and Ken discuss the nature of the “supermind”: its meanings, why it has not appeared previously in history on any sort of widespread scale, and why glimmers of its emergence are starting to happen now, today. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice.Free Intro Course - Build Your Integral Life.An Integral Approach to Affective Education Frank Marrero.What’s Wrong With Education (And How Can We Fix It?) Mark Fischler, Corey deVos.Armed Insanity: Getting Real About Guns and Criminality Jeff Salzman.

the power of your supermind

#The power of your supermind how to

  • How to Teach Kids About Sex and Gender Dr.
  • From Bodhisattva to Ecosattva: Integrating Personal Practice and Global Activism David Loy, Roger Walsh, John Dupuy.
  • the power of your supermind

  • Adverse Childhood Experiences: Overview, Response Strategies, and Integral Theory Heather Larkin.
  • Authoring Your Life Story: The Hero’s Journey and You Dr.
  • An Example of Integral Pedagogy Lynne Feldman.

  • The power of your supermind